
1112 lines
36 KiB

// Package pam provides a wrapper for the PAM application API.
package pam
import (
type customConvRequest int
func (r customConvRequest) Style() Style {
return Style(r)
func ensureNoError(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
func Test_NewNullModuleTransaction(t *testing.T) {
mt := moduleTransaction{}
if mt.handle != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected handle value: %v", mt.handle)
if s := Error(mt.lastStatus.Load()); s != success {
t.Fatalf("unexpected status: %v", s)
tests := map[string]struct {
testFunc func(t *testing.T) (any, error)
expectedError error
ignoreError bool
"GetItem": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.GetItem(Service)
"SetItem": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return nil, mt.SetItem(Service, "foo")
"GetEnv": {
ignoreError: true,
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.GetEnv("foo"), nil
"PutEnv": {
expectedError: ErrAbort,
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return nil, mt.PutEnv("foo=bar")
"GetEnvList": {
expectedError: ErrBuf,
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
list, err := mt.GetEnvList()
if len(list) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected list: %v", list)
return nil, err
"GetUser": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.GetUser("prompt")
"GetData": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.GetData("some-data")
"SetData": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return nil, mt.SetData("foo", []interface{}{})
"SetData-nil": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return nil, mt.SetData("foo", nil)
"StartConv-StringConv": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.StartConv(NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "a prompt"))
"StartStringConv": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.StartStringConv(TextInfo, "a prompt")
"StartStringConvf": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.StartStringConvf(TextInfo, "a prompt %s", "with info")
"StartConvMulti": {
testFunc: func(t *testing.T) (any, error) {
return mt.StartConvMulti([]ConvRequest{
NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "a prompt"),
NewStringConvRequest(ErrorMsg, "another prompt"),
NewBinaryConvRequest(BinaryPointer(&mt), nil),
NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes([]byte("These are bytes!")),
NewBinaryConvRequest(nil, nil),
for name, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
t.Run(name+"-error-check", func(t *testing.T) {
data, err := tc.testFunc(t)
switch d := data.(type) {
case string:
if d != "" {
t.Fatalf("empty value was expected, got %s", d)
case interface{}:
if !reflect.ValueOf(d).IsNil() {
t.Fatalf("nil value was expected, got %v", d)
if d != nil {
t.Fatalf("nil value was expected, got %v", d)
if tc.ignoreError {
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("error was expected, but got none")
var expectedError error = ErrSystem
if tc.expectedError != nil {
expectedError = tc.expectedError
if !errors.Is(err, expectedError) {
t.Fatalf("status %v was expected, but got %v",
expectedError, err)
for name, tc := range tests {
// These can't be parallel - we test a private value that is not thread safe
t.Run(name+"-lastStatus-check", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := tc.testFunc(t)
status := Error(mt.lastStatus.Load())
if tc.ignoreError {
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("error was expected, but got none")
expectedStatus := ErrSystem
if tc.expectedError != nil {
errors.As(err, &expectedStatus)
if status != expectedStatus {
t.Fatalf("status %v was expected, but got %d",
expectedStatus, status)
func Test_ModuleTransaction_InvokeHandler(t *testing.T) {
mt := &moduleTransaction{}
err := mt.InvokeHandler(nil, 0, nil)
if !errors.Is(err, ErrIgnore) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected err: %v", err)
tests := map[string]struct {
flags Flags
args []string
returnedError error
expectedError error
expectedErrorMsg string
"success": {
expectedError: nil,
"success-with-flags": {
expectedError: nil,
flags: Silent | RefreshCred,
"success-with-args": {
expectedError: nil,
args: []string{"foo", "bar"},
"success-with-args-and-flags": {
expectedError: nil,
flags: Silent | RefreshCred,
args: []string{"foo", "bar"},
"ignore": {
expectedError: ErrIgnore,
returnedError: ErrIgnore,
"ignore-with-args-and-flags": {
expectedError: ErrIgnore,
returnedError: ErrIgnore,
args: []string{"foo", "bar"},
"generic-error": {
expectedError: ErrSystem,
returnedError: errors.New("this is a generic go error"),
expectedErrorMsg: "this is a generic go error",
"transaction-error-service-error": {
expectedError: ErrService,
returnedError: errors.Join(ErrService, errors.New("ErrService")),
expectedErrorMsg: ErrService.Error(),
"return-type-as-error-success": {
expectedError: nil,
returnedError: Error(0),
"return-type-as-error": {
expectedError: ErrNoModuleData,
returnedError: ErrNoModuleData,
expectedErrorMsg: ErrNoModuleData.Error(),
for name, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := mt.InvokeHandler(func(handlerMt ModuleTransaction,
handlerFlags Flags, handlerArgs []string) error {
if handlerMt != mt {
t.Fatalf("unexpected mt: %#v vs %#v", mt, handlerMt)
if handlerFlags != tc.flags {
t.Fatalf("unexpected mt: %#v vs %#v", tc.flags, handlerFlags)
if strings.Join(handlerArgs, "") != strings.Join(tc.args, "") {
t.Fatalf("unexpected mt: %#v vs %#v", tc.args, handlerArgs)
return tc.returnedError
}, tc.flags, tc.args)
status := Error(mt.lastStatus.Load())
if !errors.Is(err, tc.expectedError) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected err: %#v vs %#v", err, tc.expectedError)
var expectedStatus Error
if err != nil {
var pamErr Error
if errors.As(err, &pamErr) {
expectedStatus = pamErr
} else {
expectedStatus = ErrSystem
if status != expectedStatus {
t.Fatalf("unexpected status: %#v vs %#v", status, expectedStatus)
func testMockModuleTransaction(t *testing.T, mt *moduleTransaction) {
tests := map[string]struct {
testFunc func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error)
mockExpectations mockModuleTransactionExpectations
mockRetData mockModuleTransactionReturnedData
conversationHandler ConversationHandler
expectedError error
expectedValue any
ignoreError bool
"GetUser-empty": {
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
UserPrompt: "who are you?"},
expectedValue: "",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getUserImpl(mock, "who are you?")
"GetUser-preset-value": {
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
UserPrompt: "who are you?"},
mockRetData: mockModuleTransactionReturnedData{User: "dummy-user"},
expectedValue: "dummy-user",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getUserImpl(mock, "who are you?")
"GetUser-conversation-value": {
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
UserPrompt: "who are you?"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOn,
ExpectedMessage: "who are you?",
User: "returned-dummy-user",
expectedValue: "returned-dummy-user",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getUserImpl(mock, "who are you?")
"GetUser-conversation-error-prompt": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
UserPrompt: "who are you?"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOn,
ExpectedMessage: "who are you???",
expectedValue: "",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getUserImpl(mock, "who are you?")
"GetUser-conversation-error-style": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
UserPrompt: "who are you?"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOff,
ExpectedMessage: "who are you?",
expectedValue: "",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getUserImpl(mock, "who are you?")
"GetData-not-available": {
expectedError: ErrNoModuleData,
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
DataKey: "not-available-data"},
expectedValue: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "not-available-data")
"GetData-not-available-other-failure": {
expectedError: ErrBuf,
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
DataKey: "not-available-data"},
mockRetData: mockModuleTransactionReturnedData{Status: ErrBuf},
expectedValue: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "not-available-data")
"SetData-empty-nil": {
expectedError: ErrNoModuleData,
expectedValue: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
ensureNoError(mock.T, mt.setDataImpl(mock, "", nil))
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "")
"SetData-empty-to-value": {
expectedValue: []string{"hello", "world"},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
ensureNoError(mock.T, mt.setDataImpl(mock, "",
[]string{"hello", "world"}))
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "")
"SetData-to-value": {
expectedValue: []interface{}{"a string", true, 0.55, errors.New("oh no")},
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
DataKey: "some-data"},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
ensureNoError(mock.T, mt.setDataImpl(mock, "some-data",
[]interface{}{"a string", true, 0.55, errors.New("oh no")}))
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "some-data")
"SetData-to-value-replacing": {
expectedValue: "just a value",
mockExpectations: mockModuleTransactionExpectations{
DataKey: "replaced-data"},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
ensureNoError(mock.T, mt.setDataImpl(mock, "replaced-data",
[]interface{}{"a string", true, 0.55, errors.New("oh no")}))
ensureNoError(mock.T, mt.setDataImpl(mock, "replaced-data",
"just a value"))
return mt.getDataImpl(mock, "replaced-data")
"StartConv-no-conv-set": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"hello PAM!",
"StartConv-text-info": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{TextInfo, "nice to see you, Go!"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: TextInfo,
ExpectedMessage: "hello PAM!",
TextInfo: "nice to see you, Go!",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"hello PAM!",
"StartConv-error-msg": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{ErrorMsg, "ops, sorry..."},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: ErrorMsg,
ExpectedMessage: "This is wrong, PAM!",
ErrorMsg: "ops, sorry...",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"This is wrong, PAM!",
"StartConv-prompt-echo-on": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOn, "here's my public data"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOn,
ExpectedMessage: "Give me your non-private infos",
PromptEchoOn: "here's my public data",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"Give me your non-private infos",
"StartConv-prompt-echo-off": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOff, "here's my private data"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOff,
ExpectedMessage: "Give me your private secrets",
PromptEchoOff: "here's my private data",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"Give me your private secrets",
"StartConv-unknown-style": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: Style(9999),
ExpectedMessage: "hello PAM!",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"hello PAM!",
"StartConv-unknown-style-response": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: Style(9999),
ExpectedMessage: "hello PAM!",
IgnoreUnknownStyle: true,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, StringConvRequest{
"hello PAM!",
"StartStringConv-text-info": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{TextInfo, "nice to see you, Go!"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: TextInfo,
ExpectedMessage: "hello PAM!",
TextInfo: "nice to see you, Go!",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startStringConvImpl(mock, TextInfo,
"hello PAM!")
"StartStringConv-error-msg": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{ErrorMsg, "ops, sorry..."},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: ErrorMsg,
ExpectedMessage: "This is wrong, PAM!",
ErrorMsg: "ops, sorry...",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startStringConvImpl(mock, ErrorMsg,
"This is wrong, PAM!")
"StartStringConv-prompt-echo-on": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOn, "here's my public data"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOn,
ExpectedMessage: "Give me your non-private infos",
PromptEchoOn: "here's my public data",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startStringConvImpl(mock, PromptEchoOn,
"Give me your non-private infos")
"StartStringConv-prompt-echo-off": {
expectedValue: stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOff, "here's my private data"},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: PromptEchoOff,
ExpectedMessage: "Give me your private secrets",
PromptEchoOff: "here's my private data",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startStringConvImpl(mock, PromptEchoOff,
"Give me your private secrets")
"StartStringConv-binary": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedMessage: "require binary data",
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startStringConvImpl(mock, PromptEchoOff,
"require binary data")
"StartConvMulti-missing": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: ([]ConvResponse)(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, nil)
"StartConvMulti-too-many": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: ([]ConvResponse)(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
reqs := [maxNumMsg + 1]ConvRequest{}
return mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, reqs[:])
"StartConvMulti-unexpected-style": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: ([]ConvResponse)(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
var req ConvRequest = customConvRequest(0xdeadbeef)
return mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, []ConvRequest{req})
"StartConvMulti-string-as-binary": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: ([]ConvResponse)(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, []ConvRequest{
NewStringConvRequest(BinaryPrompt, "no binary!"),
"StartConvMulti-all-types": {
expectedValue: []any{
stringConvResponse{TextInfo, "nice to see you, Go!"},
stringConvResponse{ErrorMsg, "ops, sorry..."},
stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOn, "here's my public data"},
stringConvResponse{PromptEchoOff, "here's my private data"},
{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
TextInfo: "nice to see you, Go!",
ErrorMsg: "ops, sorry...",
PromptEchoOn: "here's my public data",
PromptEchoOff: "here's my private data",
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
ExpectedMessagesByStyle: map[Style]string{
TextInfo: "hello PAM!",
ErrorMsg: "This is wrong, PAM!",
PromptEchoOn: "Give me your non-private infos",
PromptEchoOff: "Give me your private secrets",
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
requests := []ConvRequest{
NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "hello PAM!"),
NewStringConvRequest(ErrorMsg, "This is wrong, PAM!"),
NewStringConvRequest(PromptEchoOn, "Give me your non-private infos"),
NewStringConvRequest(PromptEchoOff, "Give me your private secrets"),
testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))),
data, err := mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, requests)
if err != nil {
return data, err
stringResponses := []ConvResponse{}
binaryResponses := [][]byte{}
for i, r := range data {
if r.Style() != requests[i].Style() {
mock.T.Fatalf("unexpected style %#v vs %#v",
r.Style(), requests[i].Style())
switch rt := r.(type) {
case BinaryConvResponse:
decoded, err := rt.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
if err != nil {
return data, err
binaryResponses = append(binaryResponses, decoded)
case StringConvResponse:
stringResponses = append(stringResponses, r)
mock.T.Fatalf("unexpected value %v", rt)
return []any{
}, err
"StartConvMulti-all-types-some-failing": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: []ConvResponse(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
TextInfo: "nice to see you, Go!",
ErrorMsg: "ops, sorry...",
PromptEchoOn: "here's my public data",
PromptEchoOff: "here's my private data",
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
ExpectedMessagesByStyle: map[Style]string{
TextInfo: "hello PAM!",
ErrorMsg: "This is wrong, PAM!",
PromptEchoOn: "Give me your non-private infos",
PromptEchoOff: "Give me your private secrets",
Style(0xfaaf): "This will fail",
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"),
IgnoreUnknownStyle: true,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
requests := []ConvRequest{
NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "hello PAM!"),
NewStringConvRequest(ErrorMsg, "This is wrong, PAM!"),
NewStringConvRequest(PromptEchoOn, "Give me your non-private infos"),
NewStringConvRequest(PromptEchoOff, "Give me your private secrets"),
NewStringConvRequest(Style(0xfaaf), "This will fail"),
testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))),
return mt.startConvMultiImpl(mock, requests)
"StartConv-Binary-unsupported": {
expectedValue: nil,
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
mock.binaryProtocol = false
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
"StartConv-Binary": {
expectedValue: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"),
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
bcr, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return bcr.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-expected-data-mismatch": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is not the expected data!"),
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
"StartConv-Binary-unexpected-nil": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This should not be nil"),
Binary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(nil))
"StartConv-Binary-expected-nil": {
expectedValue: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedNil: true,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This should not be nil"),
Binary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(nil))
if err != nil {
return data, err
bcr, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return bcr.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-returns-nil": {
expectedValue: BinaryPointer(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
Binary: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
bcr, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return bcr.Data(), err
"StartBinaryConv": {
expectedValue: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"),
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
bcr, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return bcr.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartBinaryConv-expected-data-mismatch": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This is not the expected data!"),
Binary: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
return mt.startBinaryConvImpl(mock, bytes)
"StartBinaryConv-unexpected-nil": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
expectedValue: nil,
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This should not be nil"),
Binary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startBinaryConvImpl(mock, nil)
"StartBinaryConv-expected-nil": {
expectedValue: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedNil: true,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x00This should not be nil"),
Binary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
data, err := mt.startBinaryConvImpl(mock, nil)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartBinaryConv-returns-nil": {
expectedValue: BinaryPointer(nil),
conversationHandler: mockConversationHandler{
ExpectedStyle: BinaryPrompt,
ExpectedBinary: []byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"),
Binary: nil,
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte("\x1ASome binary Dat\xaa"))
data, err := mt.startBinaryConvImpl(mock, bytes)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data.Data(), err
"StartConv-Binary-with-ConvFunc": {
expectedValue: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99},
conversationHandler: BinaryConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) ([]byte, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w, data mismatch %#v vs %#v",
ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x99}), nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-ConvFunc-error": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: BinaryConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("got an error")
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes([]byte{}))
"StartConv-String-with-ConvBinaryFunc": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: BinaryConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "prompt"))
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc": {
expectedValue: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x95},
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From bytes pointer.")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("%w: data mismatch %#v vs %#v", ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return allocateCBytes(testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte{
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x95})), nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From bytes pointer."))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc-and-allocated-data": {
expectedValue: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x95},
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From pointer...")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("%w: data mismatch %#v vs %#v", ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return allocateCBytes(testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte{
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x95})), nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From pointer..."))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock,
NewBinaryConvRequest(allocateCBytes(bytes), binaryPointerCBytesFinalizer))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc-and-allocated-data-erroring": {
expectedValue: nil,
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From pointer...")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("%w: data mismatch %#v vs %#v", ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return allocateCBytes(testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte{
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x95})), ErrConv
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is! From pointer..."))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock,
NewBinaryConvRequest(allocateCBytes(bytes), binaryPointerCBytesFinalizer))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc-empty": {
expectedValue: []byte{},
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is an empty binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("%w: data mismatch %#v vs %#v", ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return allocateCBytes(testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte{})), nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is an empty binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc-nil": {
expectedValue: []byte(nil),
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
bytes, _ := testBinaryDataDecoder(ptr)
expectedBinary := []byte(
"\x00This is a nil binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bytes, expectedBinary) {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("%w: data mismatch %#v vs %#v", ErrConv, bytes, expectedBinary)
return nil, nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
bytes := testBinaryDataEncoder([]byte(
"\x00This is a nil binary data request\xC5\x00\xffYes it is!"))
data, err := mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes(bytes))
if err != nil {
return data, err
resp, _ := data.(BinaryConvResponse)
return resp.Decode(testBinaryDataDecoder)
"StartConv-Binary-with-PointerConvFunc-error": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
return nil, errors.New("got an error")
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewBinaryConvRequestFromBytes([]byte{}))
"StartConv-String-with-ConvPointerBinaryFunc": {
expectedError: ErrConv,
conversationHandler: BinaryPointerConversationFunc(func(ptr BinaryPointer) (BinaryPointer, error) {
return nil, nil
testFunc: func(mock *mockModuleTransaction) (any, error) {
return mt.startConvImpl(mock, NewStringConvRequest(TextInfo, "prompt"))
for name, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
mock := newMockModuleTransaction(&mockModuleTransaction{T: t,
Expectations: tc.mockExpectations, RetData: tc.mockRetData,
ConversationHandler: tc.conversationHandler})
data, err := tc.testFunc(mock)
if !tc.ignoreError && !errors.Is(err, tc.expectedError) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected err: %#v vs %#v", err, tc.expectedError)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(data, tc.expectedValue) {
t.Fatalf("data mismatch, %#v vs %#v", data, tc.expectedValue)
func Test_MockModuleTransaction(t *testing.T) {
mt, _ := NewModuleTransactionInvoker(nil).(*moduleTransaction)
testMockModuleTransaction(t, mt)
func Test_MockModuleTransactionParallelConv(t *testing.T) {
mt, _ := NewModuleTransactionInvokerParallelConv(nil).(*moduleTransaction)
testMockModuleTransaction(t, mt)