
119 lines
3.7 KiB

//go:generate go run -libname ""
//go:generate go generate --skip="pam_module.go"
// This is a similar implementation of
// Package main is the package for the debug PAM module library
package main
import (
var pamModuleHandler pam.ModuleHandler = &DebugModule{}
var _ = pamModuleHandler
var moduleArgsRetTypes = map[string]error{
"success": nil,
"open_err": pam.ErrOpen,
"symbol_err": pam.ErrSymbol,
"service_err": pam.ErrService,
"system_err": pam.ErrSystem,
"buf_err": pam.ErrBuf,
"perm_denied": pam.ErrPermDenied,
"auth_err": pam.ErrAuth,
"cred_insufficient": pam.ErrCredInsufficient,
"authinfo_unavail": pam.ErrAuthinfoUnavail,
"user_unknown": pam.ErrUserUnknown,
"maxtries": pam.ErrMaxtries,
"new_authtok_reqd": pam.ErrNewAuthtokReqd,
"acct_expired": pam.ErrAcctExpired,
"session_err": pam.ErrSession,
"cred_unavail": pam.ErrCredUnavail,
"cred_expired": pam.ErrCredExpired,
"cred_err": pam.ErrCred,
"no_module_data": pam.ErrNoModuleData,
"conv_err": pam.ErrConv,
"authtok_err": pam.ErrAuthtok,
"authtok_recover_err": pam.ErrAuthtokRecovery,
"authtok_lock_busy": pam.ErrAuthtokLockBusy,
"authtok_disable_aging": pam.ErrAuthtokDisableAging,
"try_again": pam.ErrTryAgain,
"ignore": pam.ErrIgnore,
"abort": pam.ErrAbort,
"authtok_expired": pam.ErrAuthtokExpired,
"module_unknown": pam.ErrModuleUnknown,
"bad_item": pam.ErrBadItem,
"conv_again": pam.ErrConvAgain,
"incomplete": pam.ErrIncomplete,
var debugModuleArgs = []string{"auth", "cred", "acct", "prechauthtok",
"chauthtok", "open_session", "close_session"}
// DebugModule is the PAM module structure.
type DebugModule struct {
func (dm *DebugModule) getReturnType(args []string, key string) error {
var value string
for _, a := range args {
v, found := strings.CutPrefix(a, key+"=")
if found {
value = v
if value == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Value not found")
if ret, found := moduleArgsRetTypes[value]; found {
return ret
return fmt.Errorf("Parameter %s not known", value)
func (dm *DebugModule) handleCall(args []string, action string) error {
err := dm.getReturnType(args, action)
if err == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("error %w", err)
// AcctMgmt is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) AcctMgmt(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "acct")
// Authenticate is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) Authenticate(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "auth")
// ChangeAuthTok is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) ChangeAuthTok(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "chauthtok")
// OpenSession is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) OpenSession(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "open_session")
// CloseSession is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) CloseSession(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "close_session")
// SetCred is a PAM handler.
func (dm *DebugModule) SetCred(mt pam.ModuleTransaction, flags pam.Flags, args []string) error {
return dm.handleCall(args, "cred")